Sunday, March 14, 2010

The "Lost Boys" in The "New World"

In the documentary film, "the Lost Boys of Sudan," a large group of the boys are chosen to travel to the United States for a better education and life. When they arrive in the States they live in different cities. Peter was one of the boys, he first lived in Houston, Texas but latter realized that he was having trouble trying to get an educationso and moved to Kansas City. While in Kansas city he went to high school. Something that I found quite disturbing was the way that people saw the boys. Most of the American people that they met just assumed that, because they were from a different country, they were stupid, and they didn't understand. When Peter was going to graduate from high school he went to the counselling office because he needed to take a test in order to get into a four year college, the man was shocked that Peter had made it into the Honor Society and had already written his essay. The man didn't know what to say, Peter had done well, he was shocked. When Peter was still in Houston with some of the other boys they were talking about what they thought of the country so far and came to the conclusion that in order to fit in they needed to leave their culture in Africa. Also, they realized that some people were actually frightened of them because of their skin color. There were also other very racial comments made to them, one of the boys had a jod at a supermarket and had the job of collecting all of the carts from the parking lot because the manager said that because they were from Africa, and were used to the heat, that they could work outside all day. The boys faced many descriminations when they came to the United States just because of their skin color and where they were from but they were still able to succeed in the end.

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