Sunday, November 22, 2009

The School of Athens

Rafael:The Schoolof Athens
'The School of Athens' was painted between 1510 and 1511 on fresco. It was painted by a man named Rafael. The painting portrays the life of people in Italy during the Renaissance. Because the Renaissance was a time of change, the people in the painting are reading, writing, teaching, and learning things that were just being discovered at the time. Although at first glance it may look as if the people are just sitting around, when you look closer you can see all of the liveliness that fills the painting and the curiosity of some of the people, thriving to learn more about the world that surrounds them and much more. This painting says a lot about the Renaissance, from the style of architecture, to the lines of perspective, so many new things were happening all over Europe. All of the people in this painting help to show how the Renaissance was a time of change.

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